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Students against deep sea mining!

Natur og Ungdom < Students against deep sea mining!
Kategorier: English

Information for students in Norway on how you can contribute in the fight against deep sea mining!

What's up?

This autumn might be our only chance to stop Norway from opening up for deep sea mining. The Norwegian parlament officially opens in the start of October and the permission for exploration and explotation for deep sea minerals will be processed after that, so we have a short period of time to make this the most important case in Norway. The way this law works, is that opening for exploration, automatically means opening for exploitation.

What can you do?

Foot-following action: It is easy to track the movements of Norwegian ministers as their calendars are publicly available. By checking their schedules, you can tell if they will be attending meetings or events in your area. Take the opportunity to meet them with banners and chanting. Their calendars are typically updated only two or three times a week, so you have to check it reguraly. You can find the calendars here: ministers for oil and energy, fisheries and ocean, climate and environment, finance, and the Prime minister!

Demand the university to take a clear position: all the scientific communities have been very critical to this rushed opening process. It is important that the academic institutions take and keep a clear position in the debate. The message is straightforward: we don’t have enough research to open for mining. Both student organizations and the university authorities should comment on the matter.

International students: Norway is very concerned with its international reputation. Not all PR, is good PR. Reach out to journalist in your country and ask them to write about it. Make your friends meet up infront of Norwegian embassies the 2nd of October, and throughout the autumn.

Join a local chapter at your university: we can cover a lot of expenses related to demonstrations meetings etc. Join a student group and make events, campaignes and contribute in the fight!

Join student groups:

NMBU, Ås: You’ll find Facebook-page, and group here, Instagram here.

UiO, Oslo: You’ll find Facebook-page and group here.

UiB, Bergen: You’ll find Facebook-page here. Instagram here.

Volda: You’ll find Facebook-page and group here, Instagram here.

No student-group where you study? Join the national Facebook-group for students, or take contact with aleksanders@nu.no!

Other questions? Send us an email!

Symre Johanne Aargaard

974 03 433

Fagansvarlig for Natur. Følger opp Agder NU og Øst- og Barentsutvalget.

Johanna Haukanes Leivestad

971 26 121

Fagansvarlig for hav. Følger opp Innlandet NU.